More than making it pretty
The Real Value of Good Design
Good design takes a lot into consideration. Making it pretty is the "easier" part.
Make it pretty… These three little words are at the top of the list for how to peeve your design and communications partners. No doubt designers do, in fact, make work very pretty, but it’s about so much more than that.
The best designers draw attention to and help convey messages visually. This makes readers want to take it all in and learn more. It helps them prioritize the most important items and dig into the details. Making things simply “look pretty” minimizes the function of good design and does not do justice to this valuable work. A well-designed piece resonates with your audiences and leaves them wanting to take action.
To illustrate what this really means, good design incorporates contrast (for example, fonts and placement), blank space (to create a visual separation), and imagery/icons that directly tie to the message. Contrast makes organization and purpose of the piece much clearer. And clean, BOLD design attracts the eye in the first place. Incorporating elements such as pull-out statements are often used to hit a highlight and make it memorable.
Consistency and repetition tie the entire piece together. It should be obvious to a reader on a multipage website that they’re on the same site throughout their experience. The order and grouping of information help us consume the message.
“The alternative to good design is bad design. There is no such thing as no design.”
Designers are challenged with making brand elements so familiar and versatile that they can stand alone and still be instantly recognizable. When they understand a brand's identity, they can reinforce the brand's message through design while remaining adaptable yet cohesive across platforms.
In other words, design is purposeful. Without it, we are looking at words on a page, which is never enough when it comes to telling the world about your business. So, next time you’re working with your design partners, ask them to help you speak clearly to and compel your audiences. We promise, it will strengthen your partnership and they will love you for it.
And if you need help with design or messaging, Wallace Marcom is here for you.